ab Chasing Kate: Donate Now!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Donate Now!

FINALLY! My grant has been approved, which is great news. My school's computers are ancient and I wanted to give an opportunity to my students to learn computer skills, which will make them more marketable for better jobs and more challenging careers. But, this is where I could use your help... my project still needs funding. If you or anyone you know would be able to contribute as little as $10 it would be a great help to this cause. You can be assured that 100% of your contribution dollars will help fund the purchase of 4 computers, a printer and a scanner. The best part of all, your donation is tax deductible.

If you want to help, please donate. Click on the link to the right that says "Contribute to my Project" this will lead you to the Peace Corps website and a description of my project. At the bottom of the page, it says contribute to this project then on the next site you can enter the amount of your contribution and provide your credit card information. Thank you in advance for your support on this important project. Your donation will help make a difference in the future of my students.

Edit: 1-14-07

There is no way for me to find out (unless you tell me) who my contributors are or how much you all contribute so don't worry about me judging you on how much you love me monetarily. Thanks again!


Blogger nburke said...

Kate! It has taken me ages to track this down. UGH. After a crazy trip across the country I'm now settled in San Francisco, who knew? Anywho I need some address or someway to contact you, hopefully you stil have mine...

4:22 PM  
Blogger Katie P. said...

Nora, I can't believe you moved, how do much do you love CA? Seems like all the Aussies are moving out that way.

Elisabeth, thank you for your donation, you're the best!

3:03 AM  

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