ab Chasing Kate: Service

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Well a couple weeks ago we FINALLY bought the computers from my Peace Corps Partnership Grant. I wrote the grant in September and it didn’t even get posted until January (it’s supposed to take ten days) so my ability to be patient has grown exponentially. Perfect timing though, my school hasn’t had electricity for a month. They’re not set up but when they are I’ll be sure to take pictures. Since it was my first project I definitely learned what and what not to do so I’m hoping that my next projects will go more smoothly.

I also got another grant funded by US Aid to renovate my school’s library. We will clean, paint and repair the library and put in 7 new bookcases, 10 new chairs and 4 new tables. I also have a generous donation coming in from Paul VI Catholic High School of $200 to pay for the shipping for 5 boxes of books supplied by Books for International Goodwill.

I’ve reached the point where I finally feel productive. Two years is a long time but now I understand why it’s such a long commitment; volunteers don’t have the know-how and ability to get things accomplished until the second year.

My summer plans are shaping up pretty well too, my mom will be here tomorrow for 3 weeks, I’ll be involved in a few summer camps, hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to do Habitat for Humanity again and I think a few volunteers and I will be going on a 7-day horse trek from Naryn oblast to Osh oblast. Time is already flying by and I have a feeling November will be here before I even realize it.


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