ab Chasing Kate: Super Powers

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Super Powers

You know that episode of Family Guy where everyone has completely useless super powers, like being able to grow long nails really quickly? Well, I have two completely useless super powers here. One, I can navigate the pitch blackness ridiculously well. It can be the middle of the night with no stars in the sky and I can make it back and forth to my outhouse, only wiping out once! Also, kittens love me here. Most of you wouldn't consider that a super power unless you know my history with cats. I hate cats. Cats hate me. But not here, my kitten at my new home curls up on my chest and nuzzles my neck, at first I thought it was cute but now I think about how dirty it must be and throw it off me.

I have a new address. It's pretty sketchy because I don't have a P.O. Box but hopefully this works. Don't send packages yet, I want to make sure I can get letters first.

Central Post Office
Bishkek 720000

Yup, that's it. Cross your fingers while I work on trying to get a real address here. Apparently no one has ever heard of packages or postage here.

I have so much more to say but no time to say it. So send me lots of letters!


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