ab Chasing Kate: Grumplestiltzkin.

Friday, May 12, 2006


My favorite days here in Kyrgyztan usually happen when my lessons went great, my kids listened, participated and actually benefited from my presence. On those days the sun seems to shine a bit brighter, the birds seem to chirp a bit louder and the flowers seem to bloom at the exact moment when I pass them. Let me just say that last Friday was not one of those days.

As of 3 o’clock we were supposed to be on stand fast so I had to get into Bishkek, run my errands then get out of town. Just to set up the picture, this day was a blazing 4 million degrees outside and my first stop was the bazaar. I try to avoid the bazaar at all costs, it’s crowded, I always get lost and people are always pushing me around because I don’t know my way. I just assume pay a few more sohm to walk into a store where things are more organized and I can semi-recognize what I’m trying to buy. But I thought, no, I’ll be brave, it’s been awhile since the last time I was here and this time I won’t wander around like a stray puppy for 3 hours, after all, I only have a few, simple items on my list. Right? Wrong.

First of all, no one seemed to know the word for mousetrap in Russian, even though I had it written down on paper. I had to pantomime a little mouse dying and one guy was laughing so hard and being of no use to me that I just had to walk away. So I go to about 100 more stalls when someone tells me that they are at the complete opposite end of the bazaar (Note: this is the biggest bazaar in Central Asia and takes up about 4 very concentrated city blocks, at least). Great. I dodge and weave my way through the crowds and at this point, I am already a sweaty, disheveled mess. I finally found one lady that was willing to help me and she pointed in the right direction. I didn’t see what she was referring to so I asked, “mishelovka?” (Mousetrap in Russian). She held it up this contraption, nodded fervently and said, “Yes yes. Kill mouse.” I thought… now this can’t be right. She must have said, “kill moose” because this thing more closely resembled the Jaws of Life than it did a little mousetrap. This thing was huge and metal and even had spikes on it. Spikes! I am not trying to annihilate the thing; I’m just trying to lay it to a peaceful death. I think using this thing would put me into the “cold blooded murderer category.” I asked if they had any wooden ones and tried to explain that I was trying to kill a small little field mouse, not a jackrabbit. Silly me. Of course they didn’t have anything like that. I figured I should just drop the 20 sohm to buy one rather than having to hunt it down again, so I did.

So at this point I am just about finished at the bazaar. I have my kilo of oatmeal, my mouse poison, my mouse-death-trap and a few other miscellaneous items. Everything was starting to get heavy and the back of my t-shirt was soaked through with sweat and I had had enough. I’m just about to leave the bazaar when SMACK- a plastic bullet hits me square on the side of my head. Let me tell you right now that there is nothing more degrading than being shot in the head with a plastic bullet. It’s not enough to do damage, but it just leaves you feeling like a dumbass for being shot at by some punk kids. I turn around to give my now ubiquitous, “what-the-” look and I see a group of boys giggling and running away. I wanted to chase after them and tell them that I could be teaching their brother/sister/son or daughter English but I was too tired to make a scene so I hung my head down in shame and went home.

So to make matters worse, now I am sitting in my room, the mouse trap is sitting in my closet and my mouse is busy sleeping until exactly 3:00 a.m. (right in the middle of my R.E.M cycle) when he’ll get up and pitter patter back and forth on my floor boards until I try to wake back up in a half-zombie state at quarter to seven. I swear, one more night of this and I’m going to break out the Jaws of Death, I don’t care how messy the clean up will be.


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