ab Chasing Kate: Sand castle cemeteries.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Sand castle cemeteries.

I'm feeling unoriginal and not very creative so I don't have too much to say. I think I'm going to have to password protect my blog because I said some insensitive things that may be offensive to the culture so all you stalkers (kidding) are going to have to e-mail me so I can send my password out to you. Don't crowd my inbox yet, I'll let you know when. Does anyone know html? I have no idea and I have to put a disclaimer on my blog but I don't know how to format it in. Suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

I have heard from my brother (grrr, Nick) once or twice since I've been here but one of my favorites was when he said, "I was taking a dump at work the other day and I thought about you halfway around the world pooping in a hole." He's so eloquent.

Tiffany, sent me an e-mail that said:

Libbey, Ben and I were watching Family Guy the other day and they played one where Chris goes joins the Peace Corps to avoid going to high school and we were like awwwww, Katie. It was so funny cus he was on some tribal island where everyone was wearing loin cloths and face paint and they made Chris do the same and he quickly realized it was cool to be naked in front of people. And the people asked him to sing a song for them and he busts into this whole song and dance of, "Wake Me Up," by George Michael. It was so funny.

Let me just say that this is very similar to my experience except that I joined Peace Corps to avoid real life, not everyone wears loin cloths but I do every opportunity I get, it is cool to be naked in front of people and I burst into George Michael song and dances all the time, too. You should see my "Father Figure" rendition.

Bosterie was a really good time, it was nice to get away, it was really pretty but I think it will be much better in the summer when it's warmer. We basically hung out, watched 6 episodes of "Lost", "Point Break" and ate spaghetti. Perfect weekend to me, though. When I got back, my marshurtka driver asked me how my trip was. That's funny, I never told him that I was going in the first place. I love how my every action is well documented by people within a five mile radius of my village. I miss anonymity.

The cemeteries here are really gorgeous. A while ago, they put a cap on how much money you can spend on your gravesite but no one really pays attention to that law. Instead of the usual tombstones, practically everyone has their own monument and gated grave site. The ones in Bosterie all looked like sand castles. Some of them are built on hill sides and on top of mountains. Not a bad way to settle into eternity.

The best thing I did this week was buy my plane ticket to Turkey. I am going in June and am meeting my family in Istanbul and we're also going to Bodrum and Cyprus. I am so excited to wear high heels and short skirts. My brother bought his girlfriend Kathy a plane ticket so she'll be coming too which I'm also psyched about. As much fun as it would be to go clubbing with Nick, it will be much better now that I have a girl to dance with. It will give me something to look forward to... only 3 months, 2 days and 16 hours to go (but who's counting?).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww- nick and i thought maybe it would be a surprise, otherwise i would have said something sooner. but i'm SOOOOOO pumped to see you! (and to visit turkey and cyprus)

1:12 PM  

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